You are Invited to the 2023 Estate & Succession Planning Workshop
When: Wednesday, February 15th 10:30am-3:00pm
Where: Rancher’s Roost Cafe!
25 Main Street, Westcliffe, CO 81252
RSVP by 2/8/2023
About the Presenter

Jeff Tranel, Agricultural and Business Economist with CSU, has talked to many groups and with many individual farm and ranch families across the country during his 35-year career. As he witnessed families struggling with transferring everything to the next generation, he and two colleagues authored a program titled “Leaving A Lasting Legacy.”
Tranel says legacy planning includes more than simply having an attorney draft an estate plan. “A person leaves more than just money and property,” he said. “In fact, a national study discovered that non-financial items are ten times more important than financial assets to transition onto the next generation.”