As we celebrate the 100-year milestone of agricultural trade, we reflect on a century marked by remarkable growth, innovation, and progress in agriculture. Farm Credit of Southern Colorado is proud to support our local farming and ranching community, recognizes the...
CEO Letter for June 2024
Dear Customer Owners, As we welcome the official summer months with open arms, I wish each of you a safe and successful growing season this year. I also want to thank every member for participating in the 2024 Board of Directors Election. Your participation and votes...
Simplifying the Farm Loan Application Process for Young, Beginning, or Small Farmers
We understand that starting a farm could appear stressful at first glance, especially if you are a young, beginning, or small (YBS) farmer. Applying for a farm loan can initially seem daunting, but understanding the process can make it much more manageable. That’s...
20 Tips You Should Consider When Creating Your AG Business Plan
Embarking on an agricultural venture, whether it's running a beef ranch out East or managing a large produce business, is both thrilling and daunting at the same time. Creating an effective, sustainable, and profitable business plan from which to run your entire...
What’s the Difference Between Crop-Hail Insurance and Crop Insurance?
In the vast world of agricultural risk management, two types of insurance are essential for all farming operations: Crop-Hail Insurance and Crop Insurance. Although they may look similar, these types of insurance have specific features and particular purposes, making...
CEO Letter for May 2024
Dear Customer Owners, Happy May! I hope this email finds you all doing well and getting into the full swing of Spring farm and ranch activities. I believe much of our territory has experienced heavy winds over these past few weeks and I sincerely hope we see that...
Beef Sticks for Backpacks to Celebrate International Beef Month!
Did you know that May is International Beef Month?! Not only that, but it's also one of our favorite months of the year when we team up with a local Colorado charity to help feed beef protein to kids in need. We proudly announce our ongoing support for the Beef Sticks...
Our New Insurance Division Addition – Meet Trista!
Did you know that we have an Insurance Department? That's right! FCSC provides insurance to local farmers and ranchers! If you haven't heard, your favorite local agriculture financial institution, Farm Credit of Southern Colorado, has a new business section covering...
A Sincere Thank You to Our Amazing Customers!
As the curtain draws on another series of memorable customer appreciation events, we can't help but be grateful for the incredible turnout and enthusiastic participation by all of you, our beloved customers! All our customer appreciation events across the six...
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