All Loan Officers > Marti Greeley
Farm Credit of Southern Colorado

Your Partner in Agriculture.

Marti Greeley

Mortgage Loan Officer

Contact us today to get started with our financing options.

Get to Know Marti:

Marti has been with Farm Credit of Southern Colorado since January 2025, serving as Loan Officer for Rural 1st Lending, our Partner in Rural Lending.

Marti was born in Winston Salem, North Carolina, and her family farmed tobacco and raised chickens. Her family moved to Kwajalein Marshal Islands and later to Colorado Springs where she has lived for over 30 years.

Marti started in the Mortgage Industry as a back-up receptionist and enjoyed watching people realize their dream of Home Ownership, so she became a Mortgage Loan Originator and has been in the industry for over 30 years. She specialized in first-time homebuyers and helping Veterans find their forever home.

Her belief that everyone deserves the right to home ownership has been the driving force behind her career, helping those who have been overlooked or discounted due to their economic status.

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