
About Us

Board of Directors Election

You help
shape our future.

As a customer-owner of Farm Credit of Southern Colorado, you help shape the future of our cooperative.

Each year, you have the opportunity to cast a ballot and elect customer-representatives to our Board of Directors.

The men and women who fill these roles represent the communities and farms we support through our products and services, and they influence important decisions that determine our direction and growth.

Board of Directors for Farm Credit of Southern Colorado

Want to Nominate a Candidate?

Know someone who would make a good candidate for our Board of Directors or Nominating Committee? Submit a name to our Nominating Committee through the form below today! 

*Farm Credit of Southern Colorado neither opposes nor endorses any candidate for election to the Board of Directors. Farm Credit of Southern Colorado does not make recommendations or specify potential candidates for election to the Nominating Committee for the Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of the Nominating Committee to identify, evaluate, and nominate candidates for stockholder election to the Board.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Board of Directors at our financial cooperative do?

Our board of directors is comprised of 12 members: 10 active borrowers that are elected by all of our cooperative members, and 2 external directors appointed by the board. These directors meet at our headquarters buildings and oversee committees, the association, and help guide our CEO who in turn leads our association.

Why should I vote?

Voting for the next financial cooperative Board of Directors is an opportunity for you to help shape the future of the cooperative as a whole. Since Farm Credit of Southern Colorado is a customer-owner led business, the voice starts and ends with you. Voting in the Agricultural Financial Cooperative Board Elections gives you the choice of who becomes the next customer representatives.

How do I vote?

Ballots will be mailed out to our existing customer-owners in May 2025. We also offer an online voting option. To vote online, you will need to locate your unique member code and election passcode, which will be sent to you by both email and direct mail. Please take a few minutes to review the candidates, make your selections and send the ballot back.

Who is eligible to vote?

Anyone who is a customer-owner of Farm Credit of Southern Colorado.

When does voting begin?

Voting will begin on May 14, 2025

When does voting end?

Voting will end on June 5, 2025

When will the elected board members be announced?

The elected board members will be announced after June 19th, 2025.

How long does each director serve for?

A stockholder-elected director has a term of office until the fourth annual meeting after being elected.

How are the winners determined?

Board-elected directors will be elected by a majority vote.

How can I be sure that the elections are impartial?

No employee, officer or agents of the association will take place in the nomination or election of any members to the Board. No facilities, resources, or property of any Farm Credit institution, including digital media shall be used for the benefit of any particular candidate for nomination or election. Farm Credit of Southern Colorado will not contribute to any expenses regarding the campaign activities of any Board candidates. No FCSC Board member will make any statements intending to influence any vote in the election. Board members may, however, promote themselves.

Is the election secure?

Ballots will be provided only to those Association stockholders who are eligible to vote. The ballots will be safeguarded by the CEO’s designee, both before the time of distribution or mailing to stockholders and after the time of receipt, until disposal. The tellers’ committee will validate all ballots. No director, officer, or employee of the Association will make any public announcement of the results of the election until the results have been validated. The CEO, or the CEO’s designee, will announce the results to the stockholders. An independent third party or each member of the tellers’ committee that tabulates the votes, will sign a certificate that states they will not disclose to any person any information about how or whether an individual stockholder has voted, except if requested by the Farm Credit Administration.

Your partner in agriculture throughout Southern Colorado

See all the AG lending services we provide here at Farm Credit of Southern Colorado.