Join us for a celebration of gratitude as we partner with Peregrine Coffee Roasters, creators of Crafters of exceptional Specialty Coffee nestled locally in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in Westcliffe, Colorado. Elevate your senses with a complimentary bag of Peregrine’s finest Burundian coffee and an exclusive Farm Credit branded coffee mug at our upcoming annual Customer Appreciation Events in April!
We want to thank each and every one of you cooperative members for being part of our family by sharing a little fresh taste of local coffee. Peregrine seeks to source and roast the best coffees on Earth all at 7,887 feet of elevation. As all our farming, ranching, and producing lifestyles tend to keep us more than busy, this local coffee company is always reminding us to “slow down and enjoy our coffee to create meaningful memories with those you love.” Each individual attending one of our Customer Appreciation Events next month will receive their very own decadent bag of Peregrine coffee and a customize Farm Credit of Southern Colorado mug simply for joining us! You won’t want to miss out on these customer gifts so mark your calendars for one of the following Customer Events in April, each located at their respective local lending office:
About Peregrine Coffee Roasters
Discover the journey of Peregrine Coffee Roasters, born in the heart of Kathmandu, Nepal, and now crafting excellence in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of Colorado. Learn more about their commitment to strict sourcing, direct trade, precision roasting, and the promise of consistently ‘wow’-worthy coffees.
With quality as their main priority, it took a particular motivation to get to where the local Colorado coffee company is today. As their website describes, “After perusing the specialty coffee industry for many years and coming away disappointed with many roasters’ products, I knew that I did not want to become a specialty roaster by name alone—I wanted a product that consistently wowed someone. I desired something that my customers could trust every time. Peregrine means pilgrim from which the traveling falcon derives its name.”
“Our pilgrimage is one that continues learning and adapting so that we can give our customers a product that stands out among the masses. To give you that product we journey with real coffee farmers and purchase single-family farm lots when we can. Our specific commitment to Burundi for the last 6 years puts an organic product in your hand that is the result of direct partnership between farmer, roaster, and consumer. Peregrine isn’t built on motifs that mean nothing, but on the hard work necessary to build a sustainable future in the coffee industry. We are thankful for the opportunity to serve you in this capacity.”
Shop their coffee selection here: Peregrine Coffee (
We are delighted to partner with the Peregrine Team for our customers gifts this year! Thank you, Stephen, Arrott, Conner, and Heidi for this honor!

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